Awake, Awake, Awake :: Mind, Body, Soul
I'm home. I'm awake. Well, I'm barely awake. I feel like I'm operating inside a fog today. I slept all day yesterday. I did manage to wake up and go to my lesson. Thank goodness. Now, there's so much to do at home. I have no energy to do it. Even after three cups of coffee. I think my body is in shock from having gotten sleep. I slept all day yesterday.
The only other thing I have to say today in the midst of sleepiness, war protests, and confusion is everyone must read Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden. The book is powerful and truthful. It speaks to the situation now. It makes the horror of war speak to your senses more than the overload offered by CNN. It made me weep openly. Also, it gave me incredible insight into the strength the men had to find in order to survive. I'll never completely understand what they go through but I had a glimpse of it because of this book. War is not valour - it is complete destruction of mind, body, and soul. Even if you do not support the war, you have to support the men and women who give up themselves to do this service for their country. They pay a price many of us would not be able or willing to pay were we in their place. Thank you.
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