Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Spring in the Air :: It must be clean

Spring Cleaning has hit me hard today. I'm taking a break from it at the moment. I think I've taken everything out of my drawers today, gone thru them meticuously, and now I'm faced with putting it all back! My family had a long line of packrats. I constantly strive to break that tie. None of that let the circle be unbroken chant for me. It's gotta stop or you end up living in an apartment lined with newspapers and tv guides piled to ceiling along the hallways. Actually there wouldn't be a hallway here if I started in on that.

I think the worst part will be when I have to go thru the garage. That always kills me. The dust, the boxes, and where to put any of it. I still have to leave and pick up my skates. They're all the way in the Sunset getting sharpened. I've been having withdrawals ever since I dropped them off yesterday. I didn't get to skate yesterday and won't be able to skate today. I'm dying.

I better get cracking if I expect to finish anything today.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Swing with Me :: Is it worth the cover?

I went out dancing last night at the Broadway. It's been a few months since I've been there. I could barely keep the beat at the beginning of the night. But midway though the evening, I was back in the swing of things. I realized how much I still enjoy dancing. I know I shouldn't give it up just because I'm doing something new. Although skating is cheaper than paying the cover at Broadway!