Tuesday, June 10, 2003

24 Hour Dalai Lama :: Letting it go

It's early in the morning and I'm already here at work. I might as well be if I'm awake. It's calming to be here before the crew gets in. I get a few minutes to myself so I can make believe I am actually accomplishing something on a daily basis.

I try to look at our calander of the Dalai Lama in times of need. I sorta hope that his easy smile will pull me out of the stress overload breaking over my body. The May Dalai Lama just looks really goofy though. Really, he's just taunting us because I gave him a neck tattoo in a moment of weakness. Or was it insanity? June Dalai Lama has turned away from us and into the shadows of the page. Even he's giving up on this crazy movie. It could be the mohawk we gave him on Monday...

I came into work on Saturday to work a full day. Amazing what uninterrupted time will do for you. So just when I feel I getting ahead, I am sure a backlog will start on the otherside of things. That part is out of my hands and I have to make peace with it all. I could work 24 hours a day and still not get over that stone in the road. As the Dalai Lama would remind me, I have to let it go. Let it lie. Let me live...


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