Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Back to the Ice :: Alpha to Beta

Yesterday was the first day back on the ice. It went extremely well. I got right on and did the mohawk directly. Figure I must get the move out of the way so I can skate confidently. Yea me! I did take it easier than usual. I did things a little more methodically. But I still really got into my backwards crossovers. Both sides now! I wore my splint under my jacket and it looked extremely dorky. My arm was like a robot arm. Even worse before I decided that I had issues with wearing gloves over the splint. What works for Michael Jackson can work for others in a pinch.

We got these little report cards and Alpha Class ribbons at the end last night. Most of us are signing back up for the next session. We've graduated to Beta now. I'm really looking forward to it. I do have a make-up class tomorrow. Shelia has to take one too so we made plans to take it together. Ah, I can't deny it. I'm completely addicted for now.

Other news ::

As expected, my haircut and color is fabulous. Christina is spectacular! I might help her out next time she is up with a re-vamp for her wardrobe. Sort of be a personal stylist/shopper as a lark. Help her work her way into a new style. Sounds like fun since I like shopping for other people better than shopping for myself.

I took Porter to Haight today. It was a wash for him. He wanted to sell some cd's to Amoeba. I had no idea how desparate he was to sell these cd's until the buyer gave him the price. He was very agitated over it. I thought it was great. The guy was going to buy all the cd's Porter was selling. Porter and I have two very different view points. I would have sold them and walked away with money. Porter walked away with nothing. Well, unless you count the pile of cd's. But cd's don't pay the bills do they?

Mom's advice for living ::

Never buy cheap shoes!!

My mom is crazy. Certifiably even. I can't remember when she wasn't on some medication or self-medicating. Funny enough, some of her advice is credible. There really are enough good reasons in life to take care of your feet. She may have never given me tools to survive life but she damn well made sure at least my feet would.

Outside my Window ::

Not really an action day here in Dogpatch. I do tend to notice everyone stares up at the house now. No, we didn't get a new paint job. Just a for sale sign is all it took to get people to notice the place. A for Sale sign that was attached one early Sunday Morning directly below my window. Guess who didn't need a wake up call that AM. And furthermore, won't need one until the place sells because our realtor has a knack for ringing me numerous times until I answer. She starts around 7:30 AM and keeps it up. She's not the type who leaves messages or respects people's beauty sleep I guess.

But back to the topic... I can see 280 from here. I like that for some reason. Traffic is not traffic yet. All the good parking places are pretty much gone by now. People have manuvered and situated their cars for Street Cleaning. There's like one more prime space right in front of the building. That won't last. It's garbage night tonight. I'm glad I'm not gonna be here. It'll be nice to miss the recyclers for once.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Triple Threat :: Punch, Drive, Wipe

Today, I finally got to take the splint off. I've been pining to do just that all week. The huge swelling in the middle of my hand is no longer there. Hurray! In exchange, my hand and wrist are just jaundice yellow. That's very attractive. As for pain, it is still there. It's just not a 10 anymore. I can handle that.

Things I can do now:

1 - I can make a fist.

This enables me to look tough without following though.

2 - Drive my car.

Just not too up on parking yet.

3 - Wipe my own ass

After 5 days, I have perfected the method. And no, it does not involve #1.

Other news ::

I'm getting my hair colored today. That oughta keep me out of trouble and cheer me up at the same time. I know it will at least keep me away from the public session. I never realized how much I was skating until I was forced into captivity! I may be addicted... I know I'm addicted to my color.

Outside my Window ::

A triple threat of Animal Control Vehicles are steadily cruising up and down the street. Must be a pretty fucking big dog to incur that kind of back up. I'm pretty intrigued to see how this all plays out. An image flashes thru my mind of someone screaming "Mad Dog! Mad Dog!" while booking down the street. You know, the whole dog frothing at the mouth wildly careening from side to side frenzy. Meanwhile, a megaphone spraying the neighborhood with incomprehnsible noise - that would be the warning to stay inside. Everyone running out to the stoop to witness the excitement - the final shot that brings the dangerous animal to its side breathing its last gasps and spewing all over the road...

No such luck... Not even a big dog! They end up following it up and down the street then out of the Dogpatch all together. I think I may be watching too many movies during this convelesence. That's it.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Well, I have been put out of commission. It's both a fortunate and unfortunate thing.

I'm Lucky that:

1 - It happened the day after I finished at the ballet
2 - It's probably not broken
3 - It's my wrist and not a leg
4 - I get to learn to be left handed
5 - I'm pretty damn resilent
6 - and wiping your ass with your left hand is an acquirable skill

The Unlucky Part is:

1 - I can't skate for a week or so!
2 - Repeat # 1 a few more times
3 - # 6 takes infinite patience
4 - Just who has infinite patience?

Know of anyone? Send them over and maybe they can wipe my ass...