Friday, March 28, 2003

Sun and Ice :: Strange Partners

Beautiful day here in San Francisco today. Absolutely gorgeous weather. It was just like summer. It felt really strange getting dressed for the rink today. Preparing for the ice is blasphemous when there's so much warm sunshine outdoors. What's more :: It feels really odd to be so hot inside the rink. The rink is surrounded by windows which the sun's rays poured in through heating up the place.

I'm slowly getting the house back in shape after being occupied with work for the last month. I cleaned the bathroom yesterday. Today, I mopped the floors and vacuumed. I even washed the Sentra. Not that a wash will ever help that car. I haven't even watched TV today. No time.

I'm about to get ready to go out for the night. Can't stay out too late though. I have an apprenticeship class in the morning. It's part one of Unionism. I guess it must be a pretty important class if there are two parts. Not really worried about it though. How hard could it be? I will find out tomorrow...

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Taking Action :: Putting your money where your mouth is...

Rather than sit on my fanny and commiserate about the war, get raging drunk, or get a tattoo I decided to find something more constructive to do. I wanted to be able to show my support for the troops in some way. I figure there's gotta be something positive to do out there. And there is of course.

Ways you can show support for our troops ::

Operation Uplink ::

This organization provides pre-paid phone cards to service members so they can talk to their loved ones at home. If you have ever been separated from your family and can not afford to call home, you will know how much it means to be able to make that call. You can donate money online in amounts of $25, $50, or $75. You can make a difference in both the soldier's morale and their familes. I did it and plan to keep contributing.

Books for Soldiers ::

This website helps place your unwanted books with soldiers eager to read. What a great way to keep up the morale of those overseas. You go to their message board and find a soldier who is requesting books. If you have those books, post it and send it onto them. The address to mail it to is posted there on the message board.

Operation Military Pride ::

This website facilitates care packages and mail for soldiers. You can sponsor a care package or the organization will hook you up with a soldier to put a care package together for. I sent my name and information in so I can sponsor a soldier.

There's lots of other ways out there. I just thought these were some of the best options.

You may not support the war - but you can support our troops and their families.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Awake, Awake, Awake :: Mind, Body, Soul

I'm home. I'm awake. Well, I'm barely awake. I feel like I'm operating inside a fog today. I slept all day yesterday. I did manage to wake up and go to my lesson. Thank goodness. Now, there's so much to do at home. I have no energy to do it. Even after three cups of coffee. I think my body is in shock from having gotten sleep. I slept all day yesterday.

The only other thing I have to say today in the midst of sleepiness, war protests, and confusion is everyone must read Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden. The book is powerful and truthful. It speaks to the situation now. It makes the horror of war speak to your senses more than the overload offered by CNN. It made me weep openly. Also, it gave me incredible insight into the strength the men had to find in order to survive. I'll never completely understand what they go through but I had a glimpse of it because of this book. War is not valour - it is complete destruction of mind, body, and soul. Even if you do not support the war, you have to support the men and women who give up themselves to do this service for their country. They pay a price many of us would not be able or willing to pay were we in their place. Thank you.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Les Miz :: Trading Life for a Paycheck

Working.... I'm working. That's all I'm doing. I don't even get to look out the window anymore. That's the truth. Unless the windshield of my car counts on the way to work. I'm trapped in a theater being forced to endure the same show night after night after night. Do I dare hope it will still be my favorite show after all of this???? And, I'm sorry Todd - I don't even have time to check for tickets for you. That's how busy I am. Did I mention tired?

I miss my life. I miss skating. I miss my friends. I miss being able to go OUT on a date. But, I am sure I'd miss the paycheck if I wasn't working. So it's a good trade-off I suppose...

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Window-Sitting :: Curtains, Commitment, & Purgatory

Another gorgeous day in Dogpatch. I'm sitting in my window soaking up the sunbeams and sipping coffee. I think it would be an ideal morning if not for the fact the plumber is here for the second time. Nevermind that, it's still beautiful. My last day of freedom - I have to make the most of it. Make it last. Make it right today.

I love sitting in my window. It's high in my top ten favorite things to do. It makes writing out bills a little more pleasant than it should be. In fact, I love my windows so much there was a time when I had no curtains, no blinds, no nothing. I still have a hard time with having the blinds down. It makes me feel claustrophobic being cut off from the view.

When I first moved into this building in ninety-nine, I didn't have curtains. The house up on Wisconsin came with blinds. I had left the curtains as a peace offering at the house on San Marino. We had a huge picture window there. I used to love to sit in my recliner, drink coffee, and read the newspaper while peeping though my portal into the outside world. I brought that habit here sans curtains.

For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to buy curtains. Perhaps, it would have meant that I was committing to some sort of permanency in this residence, in this life, or to any one thing. Committment had recently become a huge issue for me. I convinced myself that I just had not found the perfect curtains. What were the perfect curtains anyhow? And were they the right ones for me?

There were many strange questions, strange answers, and equally strange avoidance tactics then. I managed to avoid the subject of curtains until I found myself in Paris working on Apple Expo. While props shopping for the keynote, I found curtains. Tab-Topped Curtains. Sort of off-white, unobtrusive, ordinary curtains at Ikea in France. I bought three and brought them home in my suitcase.

The curtains weren't especially interesting or dramatic. Essentially, they were something I could have purchased in the States at any Bed, Bath, & Beyond type store. I still didn't put them up. Now, it was a question of the curtain rod. Which I maintained had to be a specific and perfect curtain rod. I hadn't been able to find one that pleased me. Yet another way to uncommit. The packages sat in a corner. Everytime I looked at them I was reminded of the Paris Keynote, the acute awfulness blending with the distinct pleasure of finality. I would never take back the hasty words spoken or the curtains sitting unopened on the floor.

I had made many choices. Unsure as I was about them in ninety-nine, I could only try to look forward. Here I was, sitting cross-legged in the center of my rug fooling myself that I actually was making concrete choices. One only had to look at the windows to see I was stuck in my own personal purgatory. Who knows what I was trying to prove to myself. That I was such a bad-ass now that I didn't have to commit to anything, anyone, or anytime? That I didn't have a soul, a soft spot, or a heart to break. Trying to be so hard when I was really the most fragile I had ever been. Meanwhile protecting myself and keeping everyone else out refusing to share one iota of who I am. There weren't curtains there because I had no windows. Only walls. Oppressive walls. Stone walls.

Pushed by my roommate or the opening of Ikea in Emeryville - Either one will do - I found the curtain rods. Brought those home also to sit in their boxes next to the curtains. Still, I could not bring myself to hang them. Sitting crosslegged on my rug, I didn't know what I was doing anymore. I felt as though I'd lost my place in life. I'd slipped out of my world into the Land of the Lost. Trying to make a new life and forget the older one which I could only do through a strong bout of denial. Denial wasn't working the same magic anymore. My strength was drained and the curtains languished at my feet.

I left the house, the curtains, and the rod in limbo at the first light of day. New day, new dawn, new denial. I got home later to see the curtain-hanging elves had been there. The rod was in place and the curtains were now proper window dressing. All thanks to my roommate. A silent helping hand. Since then, I've made the commitment to even more - a valance and blinds. I do still have problems with commitment. I'm just moving on from the minor things. I have stopped sitting crosslegged in the center of my rug. The window is a more forgiving place. I was fooling myself but noone else.

Saturday, March 01, 2003

From Ice to Ice :: Jack and Coke on Ice that is

I spent all week at the rink. Finding out that I would be back working in San Jose in March motivated me to really get back onto my skates. I'll be working on Les Miz and I'm assured there will be little or no time for myself. Apparently the schedule on that show is grueling. That and the daily commute show exhaust me sufficiently. My only worry is my wrist. I hope its healed enough to be working again so soon. I really didn't expect to get a call this soon.

As for skating, I've got my back crossovers now. It's so exciting. I can also switch from either side to crossover forwards and backwards. I did my first jump this week - The Waltz Jump. I can do the reverse also. So many firsts this week :: Two foot spin with 4 revolutions and a Lift!!! I got to do a forward Skating Spiral Lift. That Lift was so incredibly awesome. I had so much adreneline pumping after doing that!!!! I put together a little combination too :: forward crossover, mohawk, backward crossover, waltz jump. So much fun if you don't count the three falls and incredible humongeous bruise on my left elbow... which I really don't. It's more like a badge of courage.

Last night was Andrea's Birthday. It took me a half an hour to find a spot to park. I guess I should have taken Tim's lead and parked on the sidewalk. Nice job and he was on time. Me, I was considering the double park and dash. Just a present hand off and on to the next thing. I got a spot and had a great time at the party. Just as it was getting started, I had to leave and meet up with CoCo. She flew in from LA last night. I've missed hooking up with here everytime she's been up lately.

We needed to call a Local 666 meeting, kick some ass, and take down some names. Not to mention find a new catch phrase. We hit the new Hiball which is called the Dragonbar and the Bamboo Hut. Afterwards, out for a little snack at the Steps of Rome. Well, maybe I should call that a meal. I'll say, it must have been idiot's night out last night in North Beach. That, or the two of us have "follow me loser" tattooed on our asses. I guess we still got "it". Whatever that is...

The minute we step out of the car and strut our stuff up the climb to Broadway Loser 1 and 2 hone in on what they misidentify as prey. Conversation intended to embarrass us enough to think they as cool as follows ::

Losers :: Hey are you going to Boys Toys too?? You want to come with us??

Local 666 :: That club sucks.

Losers :: Want to come with us to Boys Toys??

Local 666 :: Boys Toys sucks ass. That's such an original line by the way. Thank you.

Losers :: Well, why don't you come to the Crow Bar with us. You can buy us drinks.

Local 666 :: Yet another original line. Great bar though.

Losers :: You can buy us drinks...

Local 666 :: Whatever. <"L">


On the way to the ATM, I decided that everyone was way ahead of us in the sloppy drunk aspect of an old fashioned Friday night out. We had a great deal of catching up to do. Nevermind, catching the eye of the local safety patrol, the obligatory drunk guy trying to start a meaningless fight outside the strip club, thug gangsta types eyeballin' the ass, and loser marina button up shirt wearing motherfuckers...

We hit the Bamboo first. Say hi to people, drink, dance to bad DJ. End up watching Co fend off Leather Jacketed I must prove I'm a wild and crazy guy. This guy spoke to us in an effort to find a better place to party. What better place is there? The Bamboo Hut was packed. Sure the DJ sucked but it was still a fun place to be. He was pretty crass about it. He wanted to find a bigger club with drunker girls than us and bigger tits than us. I told him to try Boys Toys. Sure it sucked but then again he looked like he did too. He went on and on and on and on and on... you get the picture. I dropped out of the conversation. Watching the rockers dance with two beers in fist was much more entertaining.

Then we got a transfer to the other club. The Dragonbar used to be what was the Casbah and the Illustrious Hiball of yore. The Hiball no more. We pretty much walked in and our jaws dropped not out of amazement mind you. Co summed it up as it looks like every other club in LA. It could be an ok place if the clientele shapes up. It was a pretty obnoxious crowd. Some freaky guy tried to insert himself into our spot and our conversation by calling us bar hogs. I so would have hooked him up with a drink if he wasn't such an ass. Assholes just can't help themselves can they?

So we bailed on Dragonbar, paid our respects at the Bamboo, and went to scarf at Steps. Our luck preceded us and we got ourselves sat next to the most unlikely pair. Nice guy, Chad - the kind of guy you would marry but not take home as a D&G and his buddy drunk Manchester MF. DMMF, as we will refer to him, started things out right by stealing my wrap and then touching my butt. I took the "piss" out of him directly by telling him loudly to stop touching my butt. Thank YOU very much.

DMMF thought that discussing politics of my country, the fact he's an illegal alien, and my obvious oblivion to anything that wasn't in a magazine was the way to my heart. I guess he was also ignoring the fact that I was taken. But he is a clever example of those who think they are deeper than others just out of school inbred thinkers. He was quick to judge, quick to speak, and quick to label me. When I told him to fuck off and get some facts, he did just that. It promptly made for a more enjoyable meal, discussion, and evening.

Chad, the nice guy, takes it ok when its obvious CoCo isn't into him and has a cool conversation with us. He's a little bummed when the mafioso looking 200 pound Italian guy that runs Steps offers to walk us to our car. Good thing, we let him because there was a lot of fucked up people out there on Broadway that time of night. Mafioso guy is on Co but will get no play.

Meeting adjourned and home to sleep off the Jack and Cokes.

Meeting Notes ::

A big shout out to Mafioso guy for hooking us up with security. Much Love. Much Love.

What up Dog to my crew at the Bamboo. Always mixing the finest to fuck ya up the most!

And my girl, don't let the playah get you down. Play the Playah. You know, we can get in the game and win.

GP baby. We don't recycle.