Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Relocation: Every Two Weeks and Counting...

I made a bold and drastic decision partially foisted upon me by the lack of cash in my bank account. I took a job in Los Angeles. It was an offer too good to pass up. A big movie, union money and location.

I now live in two cities. I have a room in LA and a flat in SF. It's not bicoastal so what do you call it? I'm part of North and South now. The plan is to come home every two weeks. That way I can spend some time with Steve, Lina, and friends. Plus sleep in my own bed.

I came home for Thanksgiving but that was pretty much a complete wash given that I was sick the entire time. Thank God, I didn't get sick until after I made the 9 hour holiday drive from LA to SF. It was 3 hours just getting from the 405 to the Grapevine.

I got into SF around 10:30 to get up and drive back to Modesto. We had Thanksgiving with Steve's family. Or rather, Steve did. I slept in his nephew's room and woke up in time to drive back to the city. I hear the meal was fantastic.

The next day, we ended up at the ER in Palo Alto to get Steve's ankle checked out. He dumped his bike last week and his ankle was still bothering him. That was a good 3 hours of waiting to be told he'll have to see a podiatrist. Back home to bed.

Upon arriving at work on Monday morning, I promptly fell down the stairs of our trailer. But since I finally felt like I was over whatever it was I had, I counted myself lucky.

I think I drove more in this weekend than I could ever drive in two and half months.

LA ---> SF
SF ---> Modesto
Modesto---> SF
SF---> Palo Alto
Palo Alto ---> SF
SF ---> LA

I think I'll fly next time. Every two weeks and counting....


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