BGP :: Holidays put to Bad Music
Not much going on today. I planned to go to the movies today. Sorta felt like a good first day off rainy type activity. I ended up going over to the Fillmore to help Jen decorate for her Christmas Party. It was a bit like what Tim's parties would be like if he had a bigger venue, more help, and more money.
The time spent there was more than amusing. It felt nice to be on the outside of stress and pressure for once. I just sat back and watched the political battles ensue. What a strange world BGP is. I know I'd never have gone down there to volunteer if it wasn't for Jen. Especially, after all that union mess with the Rolling Stones concert. I can't give of my time to a company that would fuck unions over in that way. It was equally awful to be there and hear them make fun of my striking Teamster Brothers in a Holiday Song for their Christmas Skits. That was excruciating. Anyone with union sensibilties wouldn't be able to listen to that. I most definitely wouldn't want to attend that party.
It's really fucking cold here in the flat. I wish it wasn't. I hadn't noticed that the weather was creeping down the thermometer. Too much time spent at work. Rather be cold than be dancing to a scab's tune...
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